Cluster Type Calliandra

Rumah 1 lantai dengan desain modern dan nyaman.

Tipe Rumah

Beragam pilihan tipe rumah untuk kebutuhan keluarga Anda.

Cluster Type Celosia

Hunian nyaman dekat pusat bisnis dan transportasi.

Aerial view of a residential complex with multiple identical buildings arranged in a geometric pattern. The structures are surrounded by paved areas and green spaces with dense vegetation beyond the walled perimeter. Adjacent to the complex are scattered houses and buildings in a suburban area.
Aerial view of a residential complex with multiple identical buildings arranged in a geometric pattern. The structures are surrounded by paved areas and green spaces with dense vegetation beyond the walled perimeter. Adjacent to the complex are scattered houses and buildings in a suburban area.
Cluster Type Dianella

Kawasan hijau dengan fasilitas lengkap dan aman.

Cluster Type Ravenia

Desain elegan dengan akses mudah ke transportasi umum.

Cluster Type Russelia

Lingkungan asri dengan berbagai fasilitas untuk keluarga.